Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

community towards the implementation of asean charter in 2015 and partner relationships with asean.

ini artikel pertama saya setelah vacum beberapa bulan blan.

event organized by the directorate who speech and inter-regional partners,
directorate general of ASEAN cooperation, foreign ministry, the same bkerja dngn blogger community goes well surabaya

who organized the event date 22 May 2010 at the intersection surabaya hotel was followed by several diantarax community, namely:
TPC, pins, Bloger BEKASI, Plat M (bloger madurese) and msh byk lainx.
This event begins at 10:00 and 15:30 o'clock brakhir event as brkt Tactic:
9:45 to register
10:00 Opening
10:00 to 11:30 the exposure on the implementation of the ASEAN Charter by the ambassador hazaerin
Pohan (former ambassador of Indonesia to polish)
Moderator: m.fayyas ahmadullah (sby blogger community)
11:30 to 12:00 Q & A
12:00 to 13:30 ishoma
13:30 to 14:40 the exposure of the role of bloggers in support of implementation of the Asean charter
towards Asean 2015
speaker 1: dr.raden ajeng Purwaningsih (senior blogger)
speaker 2: gempur abdul ghofur (sby blogger community)
Moderator: director of speech asean cooperation partners
14:30 to 15:00 Q & A
Cover 15:00
15:30 division of the charter

But as discussed are as brkt:
Strategic role of community-blogger community to Asean in 2015
Problem of inter-state peeling seklumit southeast asia

This only can I write so many